

Join us in innovating, collaborating and building - an inclusive hackathon for hands-on experience


ThinkingNorth SmartCities Hackathon 2023



Samina Rahman Purba

Full Stack Developer

Batuhan Ipci

Full Stack Developer

Hien Nyugen

Full Stack Developer

Team Foam on Latte, comprised of Samina Rahman Purba, Batuhan Ipci and Hien Nguyen, took home the first prize at the 2023 ThinkingNorth Smart Cities Hackathon with their innovative product targeting the mental health space. They built Mood Vault - a secure online communication platform between patients and therapists. Mood Vault allows daily mood tracking and journaling that gets summarized by AI for the therapists to review in between appointments. Leveraging the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP), this platform proficiently detects sentiments expressed within the texts, going so far as to identify signs of suicidal ideation and promptly notify the therapist if such indicators are present in the journal logs. Furthermore, the current system supports translation services encompassing a staggering 75 languages, effectively eliminating language barriers that may impede effective communication between patients and therapists.
Additionally, an integrated transcription functionality allows patients to articulate their thoughts and feelings using the device's built-in microphone, thus obviating the need for manual typing.
This inclusive feature extends accessibility to a diverse range of individuals, including the elderly, the visually impaired, and others who may encounter difficulties with traditional text-based input methods. Foam on Latte members are now working hard to refine their product and make it market ready. They are seeking potential investors and partners to pilot the project in a mental healthcare setting.

Thinking North SmartCities Hackathon Promo

Watch the exclusive promo video of the Thinking North Smart Cities Hackathon 2023 powered by Seneca Polytechnic.

About the Hackathon

An all-inclusive student-focused innovation competition.

Experiential Learning

Expand your creative tools through unique experiential learning


Collaborate with minds from diverse backgrounds.

Mentorship and Technical Support

Receive mentorship to bring your ideas to life.


Showcase your solutions in a fun and lively environment.

Winning Opportunities

Win grand prizes and gain recognition.


By students, for students

Winners and Prizes

Grand Prize

$5000 CAD

For the Winner of Hackathon.

First Nations Challenge Set Winner

$2500 CAD

For bringing out the best project for First Nation Health Category.

Runner Up

$2000 CAD

For being the Runner Up of overall hackathon project.

Challenge Set Winner

$500 CAD

For Each Challenge Set Category.

Also get ready for Free food, Games, Door Prizes, Swags, Gift Cards.

Hackathon Timeline (2023)

April 29th

Registration Ends

The last date to make your mark and join us for the “ThinkingNorth Smart Cities Hackathon 2023”.

May 2nd - 3rd

Qualifier (Virtual)

You along with your team would work on one of the challenge sets and will prepare a solution proposal.

May 5th

Finale Day 1 (Virtual)

If your submission is selected for the next round, you will be joining us on first day of finale virtually.

May 6th

Finale Day 2 (Hybrid)

Second day of finale could be attended in-person or online with a lot of mentoring and fun activities.

Challenge Set Categories

Explore a variety of challenges in the hackathon and demonstrate your innovative skills and creativity. Choose your passion and make a real-world impact.

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Mental Health

Data Privacy and Security

Student Experience

Smart Business

Smart Health

First Nations People Health Care

Our Sponsors and Partners

Thinking North Investors Group,

A big shoutout to our title sponsor.

The Organizing Committee

A few glimpses from our Instagram.
Follow us for more @senecahackathon

Contact Us

Want to reach out directly?


Seneca College Newnham Campus, 1750 Finch Ave E, North York, Toronto, ON M2J 2X5